Rear wheel…

Did a little tinkering on the EVO project this weekend. I ordered the rear sprocket, brake rotor, and rear brake caliper last weekend and all of them were delivered late last week. I had everything to get the rear wheel mocked up, so that is what I did…

Mounted the rear final drive sprocket to the rear wheel. This uses 3/8″ x 16 x1 1/2″ socket cap screws. Pretty simple, nothing to see here, just a good looking sprocket mounted on a wheel 🙂
Rear wheel final drive 530 chain sprocket
The brake rotor is mounted to the wheel using 5/16″ x 18 x 1″ socket cap screws.

The wheel is centered and properly spaced with the rear caliper mount.
Rear Wheel centered

Mounted the rear brake caliper. Everything lines up and the wheel spins freely on the axle.
Rear Brake Caliper

Here is what it looks like all set up.
Rear wheel brake rotor and rear brake caliper
The axle and rear sprocket are not tightened down yet as I may need to take all of it apart to add a spacer to the hub for the rear sprocket to line up the final chain drive.

With the wheel spaced and centered I can work on getting the rear fender on. I should have the gas set up for the welder by next weekend, will be practicing a little more, and then welding on the tank mounts. After that I’ll be able to get the motor, transmission, and oil tank in to make sure everything fits.

2 thoughts on “Rear wheel…

  1. what caliper are you running? i have about 3/4″ between my rotor and the inside of my frame, would like to orient my caliper in the same way but am worried i might have to mount it below, not preferable. trying to machine down a stock caliper arm, dont know if it will work

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