Foot controls…

The foot controls I ordered from American Classic Motors showed up yesterday. The rear brake lines and rear brake light switch I ordered from J&P Cycles had showed up on Tuesday. I had plan to wait till the weekend to get them mounted, but who am I kidding.

The shifter and left side peg mounted right up.
Foot controls - Gear Shift
Cheap eBay, straight from Hong Kong, shift linkage is also hooked up and adjusted.
Shift Linkage
It was cheap, but it’ll do the trick and looks alright. I’ll come across a better one… one day.

Mounted the foot controls on the other side including the rear brake master cylinder, brake pedal lever, and right side peg.
Foot controls - Rear Brake
Got the rear brake line ran and the rear brake bled. Rear brake light switch is also hooked up and working. Unfortunately the old used kickstand I have will not work with the controls, so I have to find something different.

The other day I welded together a couple of pieces of 1/8″ steel to make a bracket for the horn.
Horn Bracket
Any excuse to stick a couple pieces of metal together (the weld looks a lot better IRL than it does in the picture). I’ll clean it up a bit more and probably hit it with some black paint. It works for now but I am not sure I’ll keep the horn there.

The front brake is ordered so I should be able to get the front end tightened up once it gets here. She is so close to ready to ride…

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